Lex VOR Action Information Export
An Export that consists of the information relative to the enquiries/vehicles that are off road.
Lex have an export that provides information related to vehicles that are off road. This export needs to be generated by ViSN to ensure continuity in terms of process. This export will be a delta report consisting of detailed information relative to the action that is recorded against a job (enquiry) and enabling lex to monitor the progress of vehicles that are off the road."
File format
Comma Separated Values - *.csv
- Action : The Follow up status recorded on VOR in ViSN is referred to as 'Action' by Lex
- Delta : Lex categorised this export as delta export as it is a detailed report
- Incident Type : The occurrence of an action against a enquiry is incident and the follow up status type on the action shall be treated as incident type. Further the incident type is recorded in exports with lex specific codes
Column Name | Description | Data / Format | Max Length | Mandatory | |
1 | Record Type Indicator | Type of record, must be "VIH" | string | 3 | Y |
2 | Record Version Number | Must be "1" | number | 1 | Y |
3 | Batch Number | 0000001, 9999999 | number | 7 | Y |
S.No | Column Name | Description | Type | length | Mandatory | Example |
1 | Record Type Indicator | has fixed value | string | 3 | Y | Must be “VIR” |
2 | VOR ID | Enquiry Number in ViSN | number | N | ||
| ||||||
3 | Registration Number | VRM | string | 15 | N | AS12DON |
4 | Site ID | Customer Supplier ID | number | 15 | N | |
5 | Site_Name | Supplier Site Name | string | 50 | N | GROUP 1 BOLTON |
6 | Date From | date inputted on VOR details calendar, put the time as the time manual vor enquiry was created. | datetime | N | DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM | |
7 | Date To | vor closure | datetime | N | DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM | |
| ||||||
8 | Driver Name | driver full name recorded while creating an enquiry | string | 50 | N | George Leo |
| ||||||
9 | Category ID | Incident type reference of selected status | number | N | ||
| ||||||
10 | Category Name | VOR Notes “Status” | string | 50 | N | Accident Collision Incident |
11 | Make | Customer Contract Drawer: Make | string | 50 | N | BMW |
12 | Model | Customer Contract Drawer: Model | string | 50 | N | X1 |
13 | Derivative | Customer Contract Drawer: Specification | string | 50 | N | |
14 | Odometer Reading | Enquiry: Mileage | number | N | 24500 | |
15 | Driver Address | Leave blank as not available from ViSN | - | - | N | - |
16 | Driver SMS | driver's phone number | string | 20 | N | 0127845899 |
17 | Driver Tel No | Leave blank as not available from ViSN | - | - | N | - |
18 | Driver Email | Manual Repair VOR or Booking Driver Details: Email | string | 80 | N | info@digitalinnk.com |
19 | Booking ID | enquiryNumber | number | N | 5090 | |
20 | Date Created | vehicle checked-In date and time | datetime | N | DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM | |
| ||||||
21 | Created By User ID | Leave blank as not available from ViSN | - | - | N | - |
22 | Created by User Name | Enquiry created by (customer) user name (Manual VOR) For Auto and Active VOR - leave blank | string | 50 | N | Chris Cook |
23 | Customer Account Number | Customer Contract Drawer: Customer Account Number | string | 20 | N | |
24 | Scheme ID | Leave blank as not available from ViSN | - | - | N | |
25 | Fleet Card Number | Leave blank as not available from ViSN | - | - | N | |
26 | Vor Notes | Notes added in VOR notes drawer | string | 1024 | N | |
| ||||||
27 | Fleet Operator Account ID | DI Admin: Customer Account Number | number | N | ||
28 | Estimated Available Date/Time | date when the action is expected to be accomplished and vehicle will be available | datetime | N | DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM | |
29 | Chassis/Vin Number | Customer Contract Drawer: VIM | string | 20 | N | VD7YE2MFC12K57805 |
30 | Your Ref | Leave blank as not available from ViSN | - | - | N | - |
31 | Service Centre Group Name | Supplier Group Name | string | 50 | N | Bellinger & Sons Vauxhall Wantage |
32 | Vehicle Type | Customer Contract Drawer: Vehicle Type. Vehicle Type in ViSN needs to be mapped to corresponding text code for export, but can be left blank. | string | 1 | N | “C” = Car “V” = LCV “H” = HGV “P” = Plant/Other |
Column Name | Description | Data / Format | Max Length | Mandatory | |
1 | Record Type Indicator | Type of record, must be "VIT" | string | 3 | Y |
2 | Record Version Number | Must be "1" | number | 1 | Y |
3 | VIR Line Count | Number of "VIR" lines in file | number | 6 | Y |
Data source
At the time of adding the vor note to the enquiry, a record consisting of export relative information is created at location
Setup Required
Database Configuration
This export is targeted for Lex lease companies alone, Hence storing these records for other companies is not required.
To prevent the records generated for non-Lex customers, A flag needs to be enabled in the lease company's export configuration to restrict the data export to Lex customers only
location: /leasecompany/[leaseId]/config/exportsConfig
attribute: vorActionExport
value: true
Generate Export
A Scheduler should be created cloud scheduler with the following parameters
- Name : Lex-GenerateDailyVorActionInformationExportCSV
- Description : Daily VOR Action Information Export Generation For Lex
- Region : europe-west2
- Frequency : 30 23 * * *
- TimeZone : Greenwhich Mean Time (GMT)
- Topic : projects/biddirect-2/topics/generateDailyVorActionInformationExport
- Message body : a JSON object including the following parameters
- dateTimeStamp : in format yyyy-MMM-dd ex 2022-Sep-30 , when skipped it will default to current date
- leaseId : id of the lease company that the export is desired to be generated for
Upload to SFTP
A Scheduler should be created cloud scheduler with the following parameters
- Name : Lex-UploadDailyVorActionInformationExportToSFTP
- Region : europe-west2
- Frequency : 45 23 * * *
- TimeZone : Greenwhich Mean Time (GMT)
- Topic : projects/biddirect-2/topics/uploadFileToSFTP
- Message body : a JSON object including the following parameters
- sftpHostAddress : public hosting address of the sftp server
- username : username for password authentication (ssh key not supported)
- password : passkey for password authentication
- bucketName : name of the firebase cloud storage
- sourceFolderName : location in the firebase cloud storage to pick the file to copy to SFTP from
- sourceFileName : regular expression that match to filename to pick file(s)
- destinationFolderName : location in the sftp server
- emailId : email id to receive the status in case of successful upload
- errorEmailId : email id to receive the status in case of failed upload
- emailSubject : generic subject that caters to both successful and failed uploads
Status: Accepted
Category: Protected
Authored By: Rama on 11 Sep, 2024
11 Sep, 2024 - Create Documentation for vor action export, VN-14016
20 Nov, 2024 - Updated Documentation for vor action export, VN-14965 | 15004